
What do you need:
  • Shoebox
  • Pictures
  • Scissors
  • Transparant coloured paper
  • Glue
© Copyright
This idea is send by:
  • Corrie van Veen-Wouters
kykdoos1 You can make a very nice show-box of a shoebox!
Take the box and make a small square on one of the short sides in the middle. Inside the box you can use the pictures to set up a nice scenery.
Think of remaking your holiday, or maybe a sports match! The different pictures should be put behind each other so you see different dimensions.

kykdoos2 The pictures should have a folded stroke on the bottom to glue them to the box. You can glue pictures to the side, bottom and even top of the box! Cut a couple of square holes in the cover of the box and glue the coloured paper over it. Put the cover on the box and peep through the hole: your own magic show-box!

Show-box of a farm with figures from a colour book.

Open show-box, so without a cover on its side.

Below you can find a small movie of this idea.

Picture made by: Oma Gerda


  • You can also attach little lines so bird of paper can fly from one side to the other. Or make a stroke with a picture on it so you can move the picture from outside the box.

© Knutselwerkje van




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