Babyshoe from birth announcement card
What do you need:- Birth announcement card
- Needle
- Thread (blue or pink)
- Scissors
- Ribbon
- Plastic ball
© Copyright
This idea is send by: - Angelique Keijzers

You can create a nice and personal gift from a birth card by making a baby shoe out of it. Angelique received such one when her child was born and she listed everything for us.
I detached the entire shoe and used that as a pattern. You will have to enlarge or reduce the pattern depending on the size of the birth card. The pictures and text do need to come out nicely. Preferably you first make a copy of the birth card and do some try outs. Once you have find a good one, you then can use the original card.

You might have to go through wholes twice because the wholes pattern might not always match. But that’s not an issue for the end result. The circle, which is the top of the shoe, also needs to be attached to the bottom. Squeeze it a little bit whilst attaching.
Punch a whole on each side of the strap and insert the ribbon (same color) and tie it like a shoelace.
Then put the shoe in a plastic egg or ball and attach again a ribbon matching the thread and your present is ready.

© Knutselwerkje van